Los sistemas de reconocimiento facial: una mirada a la luz del examen de proporcionalidad

  • Sebastián Nicolás Pérez Trench Universidad Católica Argentina
Keywords: Facial recognition systems - Fundamental rights - Proportionality test - Equality and non-discrimination


Facial recognition systems open a new paradigm in the world of technology. In order to guarantee citizen security and prevent crime, these surveillance systems have a very relevant function. However, the novelty brings along legal problems that can infringe fundamental rights and guarantees. To determine whether their application is justified or not, the proportionality test will be used. To that end, firstly, facial recognition systems are briefly introduced. Then, general objections that this technology receives are examined, and competing interests at stake are analyzed. Finally, the categories of the proportionality test with respect to said interests are applied to arrive at some provisional conclusions.


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Author Biography

Sebastián Nicolás Pérez Trench, Universidad Católica Argentina

Abogado egresado con diploma de honor y Doctorando en Ciencias Jurídicas (Universidad Católica Argentina). Adscripto en la cátedra “Taller de Análisis de Jurisprudencia” (Universidad Católica Argentina).

