The State denied: Balance of economic, social and cultural rights in Mexico within the framework of the Security Strategy of Felipe Calderón

  • Emmanuel Soriano Morales
Keywords: childhood; human rights; peace; security; violence.


Through the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR by its acronym in English), ratified by Mexico in 1981, the States Parties undertake to adopt the necessary measures to achieve progressively the effectiveness of the rights recognized in the Covenant. Since 2006, the President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, has championed a fight against organized crime, mainly drug trafficking, generating a climate of death, violence and insecurity throughout the country. Based on the idea that a failure to comply with the DESC is associated with violations of other rights such as peace, it is necessary to carry out an assessment of the situation, placing the current reality of Mexican childhood, adolescence and the youth as the reflection of a State that has not been a guarantor of human rights.


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