Thirty years of Argentine democracy. The state response to crimes against humanity committed by the last military dictatorship

  • Diego Jorge Lavado
Keywords: human rights; transitional justice; crimes against humanity; tor­ ture; forced disappearance of persons; attribution of responsibility.


We first present an overview of the socio–political context in which the last civilian–military dictatorship in Argentina broke out, its rise and fall. Then we continue with the complete evolution of the process of truth and justice for the crimes against humanity that were committed in those years. This process of truth and justice has extended from the recovered democracy 30 years ago –with the idea of President Raúl Alfon­ sín of promoting “self–purification” of the armed forces and establishing limited liability up to the decision of President Néstor Kirchner to ensure the trials that are currently being held across the country and against all those responsible for state terrorism.


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