About the Journal

Revista Internacional de Derechos Humanos is an open-access biannual law journal whose main objective is to publish scientific research that addresses the international promotion and protection of human rights.

It has been published since 2011 at the initiative of the Centro Latinoamericano de Derechos Humanos (in English, Latin American Center for Human Rights), with the support of the University of Zaragoza (Spain). As of 2021, the journal is published by Universidad Austral (Argentina) and has consequently been included within the university’s journal portal.

Its main purpose is to contribute to the dialogue and debate about the promotion and protection of human rights from different perspectives, specifically from an interdisciplinary, inter-institutional and interregional viewpoint.

Research papers and scientific contributions must be original and address human rights issues in a broad sense (theoretical, practical, historical, systematic, etc.), but always from a primarily legal approach (although other disciplines and perspectives may also be addressed).


Selection of manuscripts and peer review system

Submissions are received for free—no submission or article processing fees are charged. All submissions are examined by the Editorial Board, which examines their relevance, originality, importance, academic quality, and scientific interest. Then, they are subjected to double-blind review by two peer reviewers. Finally, the Editorial Committee decides whether the manuscript should be accepted or rejected, and communicates the decision to the author.



This Journal is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows the user to download, share, copy and redistribute the material in any format, provided the user can reliably prove his/her condition, provides a link to the license and indicates whether changes have been made to it. 


Ethics and Good Editorial Practices

The Journal complies with the Code of Conduct and Good Editorial Practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), a discussion forum for reviewed scientific publication editors, whose main purpose is to promote the integrity of academic research and publications. 

Authors are allowed to deposit any version of their articles in an institutional or other repositories without embargo.


Plagiarism Identification

The Editorial Board of the Journal uses the anti-plagiarism system Compilatio Magister Plus, which carries out a strict control of all received manuscripts to verify whether they contain plagiarism, or even if they were written using artificial intelligence. Should any of these practices be identified, the articles will be rejected and returned to their author providing a clear and informed decision, indicating the violation.