The United States Congress. From the beginnings to the 1930’s crisis

  • Alberto B. Bianchi Universidad Austral. Universidad Católica Argentina
Keywords: Constitution, Constitutional Convention, Congress, Speaker, House Senate, political parties, political leaders, committee, rules, apportionment, legislator, election, filibuster


This paper contains a summarized history of the U.S. Congress, from its colonial inception until the economic crisis of 1930. It analyses first how Congress was designed at the Constitutional Convention, the internal disagreements within the Convention that eventually gave rise to a bicameral Congress, and the manner how the Constitution was initially interpreted at The Federalist. Then, the history of Congress itself, from its creation in 1789 until the economic crisis of 1930, has been divided into five chapters designed to reflect the political influences prevailing in Congress at each such stage. This structure shows the manner how Congress has been influenced by each political party, depending on the majorities held by each at different times. Additionally, reference is made to some fundamental laws, the constitutional amendments that have influenced the design or structure of Congress, as well as some prominent political leaders from both Chambers of Congress at different times in history. This paper also includes a description of the evolution, structure and growth of each Chamber in the 150-year period covered here, in line with the political and economic circumstances prevailing at different times.


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Author Biography

Alberto B. Bianchi, Universidad Austral. Universidad Católica Argentina

Abogado (UCA). Doctor en Derecho (UBA) con tesis recomendada al Premio Facultad. Miembro titular de la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Buenos Aires. Miembro titular de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Buenos Aires. Premio Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Buenos Aires (1991). Premio Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Córdoba (2012). Premio Konex en el área Derecho Constitucional (2016). Profesor de Derecho Constitucional Profundizado (Universidad Austral), (UCA). Autor de 19 libros y más de 400 artículos sobre temas de derecho administrativo y derecho constitucional.


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How to Cite
Bianchi, A. B. (2021). The United States Congress. From the beginnings to the 1930’s crisis. Revista Jurídica Austral, 2(2), 323-443.
Research Articles