Discrimination Based on Union Activity as a Functional Difference and its Impact on the Argentine Union Legal System
Law 23592 nullifies discriminatory acts based on reasons of union support or opinion. Since its jurisprudential consolidation, the scope of this rule has been interpreted broadly, including extensive manifestations of union activity as well as the different participants that carry them out.
In the practice, this results in the prevalence of the Anti-discrimination Law 23592 over the Trade Union Law 23551, developing a peculiar system with its own procedure and rules of evidence that, in the event of dismissal, may lead to the reinstatement of the affected person into the workplace.
As result of this court trend, there have been attempts at the highest judicial level to establish the boundaries of both rules, as well as the defenses that the employer can oppose in each case, purpose that at the moment hasn’t been fully achieved.
The present work attempts to analyze the problem with the support of the basic notions of Luhmann’s theory of complex systems, in order to highlight the functional nature of the issue, which has derived in the creation of an autonomous system of protection against union discrimination in its broadest sense.
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