Some Issues on End of Life, Euthanasia, and Nourishment and Hydration in Vegetative-State Patients

Keywords: human dignity, right to a dignified life, euthanasia, patient rights, vegetative state, nourishment and hydration


The end of life raises various questions, some of the most important of which are addressed in this paper from a legal perspective. This paper argues that there is no “right to die,” but rather a “right to live with dignity until the last moment.” This implies the recognition of the ontological dignity of every human life. It is the same dignity that grants patients the right to refuse some medical treatment, even in the face of death. But this right is not absolute; it is limited by dignity itself, and euthanasia is a practice that exceeds this limit. The principle of proportionality is essential for judging the legality of refusing treatment. Both the prohibition against euthanasia and the principle of proportionality are enshrined in Argentine legislation, even if the legislative technique requires a special interpretative effort. The wording of the regulations could raise doubts about the case of nourishment and hydration of a vegetative-state patient. The solution to this issue is that the vegetative state is not a terminal state, and furthermore, nourishment and hydration can only be suspended when they no longer fulfill their functions or cause complications in the patient’s condition.


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Author Biography

Franco Andrés Melchiori, Universidad Austral

Abogado por la Universidad Austral (Argentina), Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), Maestría en Teología Bíblica por la Universidad de Navarra (España). Profesor Asociado de la Universidad Austral en materias de Derecho Civil y materias de Derecho Ambiental, tanto en grado como en posgrado. Profesor invitado de Posgrado la Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (La Paz, Bolivia). Investigador del Departamento de Derecho Civil de la Universidad Austral. Autor y coautor de libros de Derecho Privado, de capítulos de libro en obras colectivas y de artículos de doctrina en revistas de Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Perú y Francia.


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How to Cite
Melchiori, F. A. (2024). Some Issues on End of Life, Euthanasia, and Nourishment and Hydration in Vegetative-State Patients. Revista Jurídica Austral, 5(1), 313-350.
Research Articles