The Right to Algorithmic Transparency as an Ethical Standard in a Liberal Democracy

Keywords: autonomy, democracy, right to access information, algorithmic transparency, significant transparency


Algorithms have transformed people’s lives and their relationship with the State. States are increasingly turning to this technology to fulfill their functions. This article argues that the right to algorithmic transparency is the ethical standard that States must adhere to when using algorithms within a liberal democracy.

To defend this claim, first, I address the topic of liberal democracy and what criteria constitute a democratic government that promotes individual autonomy. Second, I explain the right to access information as a pillar of liberal democracy. Third, I develop the right to algorithmic transparency as a derivative right of access to information that individuals have against the State, thus concretizing the autonomy sought by individuals.


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Author Biography

Wilfredo Concha Camacho, Facultad de Derecho, Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola

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How to Cite
Concha Camacho, W. (2024). The Right to Algorithmic Transparency as an Ethical Standard in a Liberal Democracy. Revista Jurídica Austral, 5(1), 529-550.
Research Articles