Justice and Punishment in "The Divine Comedy"

Keywords: Dante, Divine Comedy, justice, penalty, punishment, philosophy of law, forgiveness


Dante guides us through Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso, showing us the consequences of our actions. Thus, knowing the punishments that correspond to bad deeds, men can straighten up and seek to act correctly in order to be pleasing to God’s eyes.

Through the analysis of the poem, we will study whether sin impoverishes the dignity of the sinful man, and how that dignity can be restored. We will also analyze whether punishment is necessary in the face of wrongdoing, what is the basis and nature of that punishment, and what should be the measure of retribution. Once we arrive at the Purgatory, we will discuss the important question of forgiveness and its relationship with justice.

These are the questions on which we will reflect throughout this work and which undoubtedly shed light on any conception of justice and human punishment. We will begin by explaining the structure of the work, continue with an analysis of each of its parts and stop to study the Inferno and the Purgatorio.

Thus, walking along with Dante, we will be able to learn more about God’s justice.


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Author Biography

Lucía María Traverso, Universidad Católica Argentina

Abogada (UCA, 2019). Doctoranda en Ciencias Jurídicas (UCA) y docente asistente de Filosofía del Derecho de la Facultad de Derecho (UCA). Ha sido distinguida con diploma de honor (UCA, 2020), Premio a la Excelencia Académica (Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 2019) y por el Honorable Senado de la Nación en el Concurso “A 25 años de la Reforma Constitucional” bajo el eje temático de Coparticipación Federal de Impuestos (2019).


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How to Cite
Traverso, L. M. (2022). Justice and Punishment in "The Divine Comedy". Revista Jurídica Austral, 3(2), 697-715. https://doi.org/10.26422/RJA.2022.0302.tra
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