The Challenges of Expert Evidence to Guarantee a Neutral Process: Myth and Realities of Procedural Theory

Keywords: law of evidence, process, expert evidence, objective truth, cognitive biases


Although the search for objective truth as the end of the process is not unanimously accepted in the theory of evidence, many authors agree that the means of proof are aimed at clarifying the facts behind the process. Considered in procedural theory as a mechanism to guarantee a fair and impartial process, expert evidence is expected to preserve, through science, the objective truth of the facts and the best understanding of the case by the adjudicators.
This study will question whether, in fact, this happens in the practice of expert evidence and what challenges expert evidence poses to achieve these aspirations of neutrality. In particular, the article will show how, given the characteristics of the process today, expert evidence is subject to external and subjective factors that must be considered, demystifying some common beliefs about its impartiality. This would allow for a better understanding and a critical opinion of expert evidence and its influence on decision-making.


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Author Biography

Juan Pablo Gómez Moreno, Universidad de los Andes. Universidad El Bosque

Filósofo y abogado (Universidad de los Andes) con especialización en Derecho de los Negocios Internacionales. Latin American International Arbitration Course del Center for International Dispute Settlement. Posee una maestría en Derecho Privado (Universidad de los Andes) y una especialización en Construction Management (Columbia University). Es editor regional para América Latina del grupo de investigación en derecho internacional privado (American Society of International Law), profesor de un seminario preparatorio sobre derecho internacional económico (Kenyatta University School of Law), profesor de cátedra de Introducción al Derecho y Derecho de Propiedad (Universidad El Bosque), profesor de cátedra de la Maestría en Derecho Internacional y de Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional Económico (Universidad de los Andes), además de profesor asistente de veinte clases de pregrado en Derecho y asistente de investigación (Universidad de los Andes). Es autor de artículos en revistas nacionales e internacionales sobre temas de su especialidad. Actualmente se desempeña en Merizalde Abogados SAS como asociado y asistente de tribunal en casos de arbitraje internacional comercial y de inversión.


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How to Cite
Gómez Moreno, J. P. (2023). The Challenges of Expert Evidence to Guarantee a Neutral Process: Myth and Realities of Procedural Theory . Revista Jurídica Austral, 4(1), 277-306.
Research Articles