Unconstitutionality Due to Regulatory Omission
An Analysis of the Supreme Court Ruling in "Etcheverry" and a Bill on the Regulation of the Laws
This article analyzes the unconstitutionality due to regulatory omission of the National Executive Power based on the ruling issued in Etcheverry Juan Bautista c/Estado Nacional s/Amparo Ley 16.986 (2021). Based on a detailed analysis of the grounds contained in such ruling, the jurisprudential guidelines and principles of the Supreme Court are discussed. Additionally, this paper includes a study of the omission as a vice of the regulatory power and the treatment of the problem at the provincial level and in comparative law. Finally, a bill on the regulation of laws is proposed, both to sort out the debate around setting a reasonable term for issuing executive regulatory orders (as prescribed by Section 99(2) of the Argentine Constitution) and to improve Congress review of such orders.
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