Legal protection of artificial intelligence products in the intellectual property system

  • Michelle Azuaje Pirela Instituto de Investigación en Derecho, Centro de Regulación y Consumo, Universidad Autónoma de Chile
Keywords: authorship, constitution, copyright, artificial intelligence, algorithmic work, ownership


Traditionally for “copyright”, “author” is the person who creates an original work, from the moment of its creation, without the need for registration or formalities. This special regime is constitutionally protected in various legal systems. On the other hand, today there are artificial intelligence algorithms that, “autonomously”, can create what could be considered works of the spirit if they were carried out by human beings. However, under the current conceptions, ownership of copyrights on products made by "non-humans" could not be attributed. Hence, the objective of this work is to determine, from the analysis of Chilean law (with some references to comparative law) whether the constitutional mandate to protect intellectual property implies that said ownership should be recognized or, failing that, that new intellectual rights should be created for artificial intelligence products.


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Author Biography

Michelle Azuaje Pirela, Instituto de Investigación en Derecho, Centro de Regulación y Consumo, Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Doctora en Derecho (Universidad Autónoma de Chile). Profesora e investigadora (Instituto de Investigación en Derecho, Centro de Regulación y Consumo). Coordinadora del proyecto “IA + D, Inteligencia Artificial y Derecho” (Universidad Autónoma de Chile).


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How to Cite
Azuaje Pirela, M. (2020). Legal protection of artificial intelligence products in the intellectual property system. Revista Jurídica Austral, 1(1), 319-342.
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