Legal Design Thinking, Visuals in Contracts and its Legal Validity

  • José A. Vega Sainz Trabajador independiente. Abogado senior y Head of Legal Innovation en Oster Abogados
Keywords: Legal Design Thinking, legal design, contract design, proactive and preventive law, visual tools, visuals, contracts


According to the results of recent studies, contracts today are not drafted or work the way its users intend. In general, too much emphasis is made in minimizing risk and not much work is made in order for contracts to serve as tools for the parties to accomplish their commercial objectives. This situation demands a change of paradigm. An alternative to the current paradigm is that of “Proactive and Preventive Law”, which objective is to prevent the occurrence of a conflict before it arises, incentivizing collaboration and trying to make contracts serve as a tool for those purposes. In order for this to be accomplished, it is necessary to work to make contracts truly understandable and usable by its true users. One way to procure for contracts to be more understandable and usable is by means of tools that Legal Design Thinking and contract design make available to us, such as visuals tools: icons, timelines, cycles, diagrams and tables, among others. We understand that the use of these kind of tools has full legal validity as the principle of contractual freedom allows for the parties to determine the content, style and format of a contract.


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Author Biography

José A. Vega Sainz, Trabajador independiente. Abogado senior y Head of Legal Innovation en Oster Abogados

Abogado (Universidad Austral) cursando un máster en Dirección de Empresas Digitales y diversos programas en negocios y derecho corporativo (Instituto de la Empresa). Abogado Senior y Head of Legal Innovation en Oster Abogados.


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How to Cite
Vega Sainz, J. A. (2020). Legal Design Thinking, Visuals in Contracts and its Legal Validity. Revista Jurídica Austral, 1(1), 303-318.
Research Articles