Defenses to Criminal Liability and Serious Human Rights Violations: A Study on the Evolution of the Inter-American Court’s Jurisprudence
The alleged international obligation of States to investigate, prosecute, and punish those responsible for human rights violations is impeded by the existence of domestic and international provisions that establish defenses to liability in favor of the accused. During the last decades, the jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights has attempted to resolve this dilemma, trying to determine to what extent the punishment of those responsible should prevail over rights that limit the criminal liability of each individual. Having analyzed all the judgments handed down by the Court, in this paper I propose to divide its jurisprudence into three stages, each characterized by a different legal approach to the problem. Such a division makes it possible to understand the evolution of the legal reasoning of the Inter-American Court and to identify with greater precision the current position held by the Court. It also makes it possible to critically analyze each of the changes undergone and to point out with greater precision some persistent shortcomings in its argumentation.
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