On Principia Ethica

Keywords: metaethics, moral intuitionism, moral realism, moral objectivism, Moore, analytic philosophy, utilitarianism, ethical naturalism, open question, naturalistic fallacy


In this article my purpose is to analyze some central aspects of Principia Ethica, a reference work in the field of analytical moral philosophy and a reference also of the general thought of its author.

The article pursues several objectives; first, to examine whether G.E. Moore is really part of the school called “Moral Intuitionism,” and with what scope; then to assess whether the proposal he offers constitutes something more than his famous criticisms of ethical naturalism (the well-known “naturalistic fallacy” and the notion of “the open question”).

I will then analyze Moore’s usual inclusion in the ranks of utilitarianism, his analytical contributions to the construction of the concept of the good, the strength, or weakness of the criticisms that his theory has received, dressed in intuitionistic clothing, and the final balance that his work leaves us for the determination of some intrinsic moral values.


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Author Biography

María Dolores Repetto, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Abogada (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Profesora adjunta regular de la asignatura Teoría General y Filosofía del Derecho (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Doctoranda en Filosofía del Derecho (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Tiene variadas publicaciones sobre filosofía del derecho en diversas revistas especializadas y es titular del Curso Reflexiones sobre Metaética y Derecho (Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires). Diplomada en Contratos del Estado e Infraestructura Pública (Universidad Austral). Ha desempeñado distintos cargos en la Justicia nacional y en la Administración pública de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Ejerce de manera privada su profesión de abogada en el ámbito del derecho de familia en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite
Repetto, M. D. (2024). On Principia Ethica. Revista Jurídica Austral, 5(2), 1087-1110. https://doi.org/10.26422/rja.2024.0502.rep
Analyses, Chronicles and Commentaries