Building the Boundaries of Lex Cryptographia
Lex Cryptographia, emerging within the realm of blockchain technology, presents the possibility of empowering individuals through the promotion of individual freedom and emancipation. The primary purpose of this research lies in conducting a comprehensive analysis of the components that constitute the Lex Cryptographia to delineate it and thus achieve a more precise understanding of its effects and scope. The method of analysis-synthesis was employed as an approach to dissect its constituent elements and subsequently synthesize them with a view to their definition and demarcation. The results obtained reveal that Lex Cryptographia comprises essential components, namely, code, smart contracts, blockchain, and cryptography. Furthermore, it is acknowledged that regulating this structure is a significant challenge that requires striking a balance between technological power and the values of individual freedoms, democracy, and freedom of expression. The urgent need for an updated legal approach emerges as the path to promote economic growth, strengthen democratic institutions, and safeguard individual freedoms while mitigating potential risks.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Eduardo Andrés Calderón Marenco, Tania del Socorro Rodríguez Palacios, Jimmy Enrique Garzón Solano, Gabriel Ravelo-Franco

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