Money Laundering and Willful Blindness
The attribution of criminal liability usually has limitations related to mistake, either a mistake with respect to an element of the statutory definition of a criminal offense or a mistake as to the wrongfulness of the conduct constituting a criminal offense. Organized crime, particularly the one focused on money laundering and advised by professionals on the field, uses these edges of the criminal system to its advantage, alleging a state of ignorance to evade liability through a mistake with respect to an element of the statutory definition of a criminal offense, which is known as cases of “blindness to the facts” and “willful ignorance”.
The delimitation of these cases is at least difficult. We can say they involve behaviors which are objectively established in the definition of the crime without full representation of the elements of the crime definition, but with a suspicion that is acting in a potentially harmful way to some external interest and where the individual prefers to deliberately or consciously remain in prolonged ignorance as a means of obtaining some benefit without assuming their own risks or responsibilities.
In this train of thought, taking into account that those who force this state of ignorance claim to be in a state of mistake as to the wrongfulness of the conduct constituting a criminal offense, we will first refer to this kind of mistake and its implications in money laundering, then we will then develop the theory of willful blindness, its criticisms and its reception in Argentina.
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