About the Contract

  • Mariano Gagliardo Abogado
Keywords: contract, regulation, property relations, Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, unification


This text analyses how contract rules have expanded in the regime of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation, covering other regulations that exceed the exclusively patrimonial or credit relationships that were contemplated in the regulations repealed before the unification of civil and commercial matters.


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Author Biography

Mariano Gagliardo, Abogado

Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas. Miembro titular en la Academia Nacional de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Buenos Aires. Publicista jurídico. Ejerce su profesión en CABA.


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Bibiloni, J. A. (1929). Anteproyecto de reformas al Código Civil (Tomo VI). Valerio Abeledo.

Guastavino E. P. (1968). Pactos sobre herencia futura. Ediar.

Lafaille, H. (1926). Curso de Obligaciones (Tomo 1). Biblioteca Jurídica Argentina.

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How to Cite
Gagliardo, M. (2023). About the Contract. Revista Jurídica Austral, 4(2), 771-786. https://doi.org/10.26422/RJA.2023.0402.gag
Analyses, Chronicles and Commentaries