The Problem of Indeterminate Power
An Internal Analysis of the Executive Power’s “inherent faculties”.
The inherent powers theory has been used on several occasions to justify the idea that the Executive branch of government possesses certain faculties that do not arise either explicitly or implicitly from the Constitution. Born in the area of administrative law, it makes use of philosophy-of-law elaborations in order to amplify the scope of government’s powers. Whether sought or not, throughout the last few years this way of understanding the faculties of government has worked as a theoretical basis for the political trends that favor the so-called Administrative State. Certain scholars have already pointed out some important inconsistencies that emerge between the idea of inherent powers and our most basic constitutional structure. This work aims to go one step further, and to show that the thesis that argues in favor of the existence of inherent powers is not only inconsistent with our system, but also suffers from serious conceptual indeterminacies that transform the theory into a blank check for the Executive Power.
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