
  • Pasquale Gianniti Consigliere della Corte di Cassazione
Keywords: conception of law, classical era, 19th and 20th centuries, transition from modernity to post-modernity, contemporary legal experience


TLegal tradition has given us few definitions of law. Even today, legal scholars generally do not like to address the question of what is law. Yet, the question of what is law has always been felt in academic debates at times of great transformation in societies and arises again with impulse in our days.
In classical Greek and Latin legal culture, law, in its ultimate root, referred to justice. The classical conception of law prevailed for many centuries in Europe, but with the formation of absolute states (and thus between the 19th and early 20th centuries), there was a shift from law understood as related to justice, to law understood as a legal system: law was subordinated to the will of the state and was thus reduced to the laws it laid down.
The contemporary legal experience marks the transition from the modernity to the post-modernity: the current juncture is characterized by the crisis of the statehood of law and the syllogistic conception of the application procedure, and, therefore, by the affirmation of a plurality of sources of law production and a new conception of the application procedure, in which the role of the interpreter is increasingly important: today more than ever, law is no longer limited to the promulgation of legal provisions, but also includes their interpretation and application.
A change of horizon is thus taking place today, as the various idols that had been worshipped by the legal mythology of modernity are gradually being shattered and law is once again claiming its autonomy from the will of the state. The impression, it seems, is that contemporary man is digging for the foundations of a new legal edifice. It could be the dawn of a new legal humanism, but historical regressions, perhaps cloaked in a pseudo-modernity, are also possible.
In the article, the author starts from the observation that the interpretation of the legal datum is generally capable of leading to several solutions, each of which is in itself technically correct, to ultimately claim that this circumstance, far from making one lose faith in the law, urges the interpreter’s responsibility towards hermeneutic solutions that are adopted in the key of a criterion of reason, and, therefore, are arguable on the basis of shared (or, at least, shareable) values.


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Author Biography

Pasquale Gianniti, Consigliere della Corte di Cassazione

Es magistrado desde 1990. Ha sido juez del Tribunal Civil y Penal de diversas ciudades de Italia. Desde 2015 es Consigliere de la Corte Suprema di Cassazione, con sede en Roma. Es autor de diversas monografías y trabajos relacionados con su especialidad, además de director de obras colectivas.


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How to Cite
Gianniti, P. (2023). Foreword. Revista Jurídica Austral, 4(1), 337-362.
Analyses, Chronicles and Commentaries