Assessment of government openness through the concept of open government: the case of Honduras
The topic of Open Government is presented starting from its origins at the end of the 20th century, followed by the establishment of its fundamental principles and pillars, the creation of its promoting institutions, until the development of innovative concepts such as open data and open process, seen as tools to make public management transparent and provide access to citizens to participate in the exercise of the government, through the reuse of public data and the use of technology. The open government legal framework of the State of Honduras and its open data portals are analyzed, which will allow a comparative analysis with Latin American countries under a quantitative methodology on state openness, access to information and levels of transparency through various international indexes such as the Rule of Law Index and the Global Freedom Index. Followed by comparative strategies that are presented to achieve effective compliance with Open Government, such as: digital and technological development, citizen participation and the strategic goals of the Open Government Partnership, which include open public contracting.
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