Federalism and Local Tax Powers: Evolution and Challenges

Keywords: federalism, tax power, fiscal federalism, distribution of tax powers


All federalism supposes decentralization of power in the territory, which must be accompanied by attributions of each level of government with autonomy, together with the essential economic and financial resources. The constitutional text of 1853/60 is structured on the basis of two levels of government, with the provinces delegating powers to the Nation, establishing in tax matters, the separation of sources with different treasures, formed with taxes of each one. The evolution of successive economic crises leads to a gradual transformation towards a competition system that in practice, produces considerable national centralization. The constitutional reform of 1994 laid the foundations for the issuance of a tax co-participation norm, whose birth would be sustained in the agreements between the two referred National and Provincial levels, plus the City of Buenos Aires, due to its autonomous government regime. Since the constitutional deadlines for its issuance have not been met, laws and consensuses have been following one another, seeking to harmonize the exercise of competence of the different entities, but failing to specify the co-participation regulations. However, on the contrary, the role of the Nation as the main executor of the policy fiscal has been reinforced. Therefore, it is worth reinforcing the need to reach agreements that involve, on the one hand, the commitment to strictly comply with the prohibition of unilateral modifications and, on the other, the local commitment to improve control of public spending, fiscal responsibility, transparency and good governance.


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Author Biography

María Gabriela Abalos, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Universidad de Mendoza. Universidad Austral

Doctora en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales. Especialista y magíster en Magistratura y Gestión Judicial. Profesora titular de Derecho Constitucional (Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo), de Derecho Constitucional y de Derecho Público Provincial y Municipal (Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad de Mendoza). Profesora en la Maestría de Derecho Administrativo y en varias diplomaturas (Universidad Austral). Jueza del Tribunal de Gestión Judicial Asociada en lo Tributario de Mendoza.


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How to Cite
Abalos, M. G. (2023). Federalism and Local Tax Powers: Evolution and Challenges. Revista Política Austral, 2(1), 53-69. https://doi.org/10.26422/RPA.2023.0201.aba
Research Articles