"Agreeing to Disagree. How the Establishment Clause protects Religious Diversity and Freedom of Conscience" de Nathan S. Chapman y Michael W. McConnell
Nueva York, Oxford University Press, 2023, 226 páginas.
Recensión del libro "Agreeing to Disagree. How the Establishment Clause protects Religious Diversity and Freedom of Conscience" de Nathan S. Chapman & Michael W. McConnell.
Bermúdez, H. (2017). Libertad e igualdad religiosas en el Estado de Derecho. La Ley.
Case, M. A. (2014). Why Live-and-Let-Live is not a Viable Solution to the Difficult Problems of Religious Accommodation in the Age of Sexual Civil Rights. Southern California Law Review, (88), 463-492.
Chapman, N. (2020). Forgotten Federal-Missionary Partnerships: New Light on the Establishment Clause. Notre Dame Law Review, (96), 677-748.
Chapman, N. y McConnell, M. (2012). Due Process as Separation of Powers. Yale Law Journal, (121), 1672-1807.
Fazio, M. (2014). Secularización y cristianismo. Las corrientes culturales contemporáneas. Logos.
Jefferson, T. (1802). Letter to the Danbury Baptists. Library of Congress. https://www.loc.gov/loc/lcib/9806/danpre.html.
Laycock, D. (2014). Religious Liberty and the Culture Wars. University of Illinois Law Review, 2014, 839-880.
McConnell, M., Berg, T. C. y Lund, C. C. (2022). Religion and the Constitution. Aspen Publishing.
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