The Importance of Functionalist-Based Approaches to the Study of Regional Integration Processes: Contributions from the Liberal Tradition of International Relations
This article seeks to highlight the significance of functionalist approaches to the study of regional integration processes, which constitute an important object of study in International Relations, due to their proliferation since the last decade of the last century and, especially, since the beginning of the new century. The theoretical approaches used for this purpose have initially been framed within the ‘Liberal Tradition of International Relations’, mainly those with functionalist roots. However, there are a number of academic criticisms of the use of these approaches, due to questions of application and validity. However, both Functionalism and its theoretical derivatives, Neo-Functionalism, Neo-Neo-Functionalism and Neo-Institutionalism, have provided important generalizations in the field of Integration Theory and, transitively, in the Theories of International Relations, mainly due to their cumulative nature and their consequent validity to be applied to integrative experiences in different latitudes. These approaches make it possible to explain the reasons why a series of sovereign states decide to found an international organization of a regional economic-commercial nature, as well as to explain the dynamics of the institutions of the established international organization and to study the behavior of the States involved in the process.
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