Social protection systems in the face of the COVID-19 crisis

Analysis of cash transfer policies in Mercosur countries based on the theory of universal citizen income (2020-2021)

Keywords: universal income, cash transfer, COVID


In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, cash transfer policies (CTPs) have returned to a central role in social protection schemes in various corners of the world. Latin America was no exception, as it was the scene of the expansion of pre-existing transfers and the creation of new measures implemented in light of the crisis. In this context, several of the debates on universal citizen's income (UCI) were taken up again. Based on the interdependence and vulnerability exposed by the recent crisis, various organizations and agencies expressed their positions on these proposals. However, there are important differences between the theoretical postulates of UCI and the characteristics of OCTs. Therefore, this thesis focused on characterizing and analyzing the MTPs implemented during the period 2020-2021 in the 4 member countries of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) based on a systematization of the postulates of the most recent theory of the UCI, in order to determine their degree of adequacy.


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Author Biography

Joaquín Baliña, Universidad del Salvador

Licenciado en Sociología (UNSAM). Especialista en Política, Evaluación y Gerencia Social (FLACSO) y magíster en Sociología Política Internacional (UNTREF). Candidato a doctor del Programa Binacional en Estudios Globales y de Área (USAL/HUzB). Exbecario del CUAA-DAHZ, PNUD, CIN y UNSAM. Previamente se desempeñó como coordinador de proyectos en temas de protección social, empleo y salud. Actualmente es docente y consultor en PM/MERL, investigación aplicada y análisis de datos.


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How to Cite
Baliña, J. (2024). Social protection systems in the face of the COVID-19 crisis: Analysis of cash transfer policies in Mercosur countries based on the theory of universal citizen income (2020-2021). Revista Política Austral, 3(1), 71-86.