International Insertion of Argentina Through the Development of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier

  • David Tauss Universidad Austral
Keywords: hydrogen, energy transition, climate change, development, strategic natural resources


The international relations of the 21st century are marked by the efforts of the international community to limit the advance of global warming in order to avoid the irreversible and devastating consequences of climate change on human society. In this context, hydrogen has recently positioned itself at the center of the international scene as a strategic energy resource due to its enormous potential to decarbonize, among other sectors, the world energy matrix. This is not a minor fact in the field of the international relations, since energy, which has been consolidated as the sector with the highest emissions at global level, historically due to its strategic function for the development of society, has a central role in geopolitics and global relations. On the other hand, Argentina, which has an enormous potential to develop this sector, must also face great challenges to consolidate a long-term sustained strategic policy and to insert itself internationally in the clean energy value chain.


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Author Biography

David Tauss, Universidad Austral

Licenciado en Economía (UBA) con posgrado en Economía Política con mención en Argentina (FLACSO). Magíster en Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad Austral) y diplomatura en Gestión del Hidrógeno (Universidad Austral). Coordinador de proyectos de infraestructura con financiamiento internacional. Especialista en proyectos de cambio climático y energía renovable.


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How to Cite
Tauss, D. (2023). International Insertion of Argentina Through the Development of Hydrogen as an Energy Carrier. Revista Política Austral, 2(2), 215-228.