The Internationalization of Religious Affairs

  • Elena López Ruf Escuela de Gobierno, Universidad Austral. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Católica Argentina
Keywords: religion, human rights, international relations, clash of civilizations, global governance


The relationship between politics and religion has historically been characterized by its tension and complexity. Contrary to the thesis of secularism, religions have not disappeared; rather, they are said to have “returned from exile”. Recent consistent studies and initiatives have addressed new dynamics of religious actors in global governance. These new dynamics open new intersections between politics, law, and religions on the international and global stage. This article analyzes some of these dynamics that show, on the one hand, the internationalization of religious affairs; and, on the other hand, the role of religious actors in global governance to face global challenges.


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Author Biography

Elena López Ruf, Escuela de Gobierno, Universidad Austral. Facultad de Derecho, Universidad Católica Argentina

Abogada (UCA). Profesora de Religión y Mundo Global en la Maestría de Relaciones Internacionales de la Escuela de Gobierno de la Universidad Austral. Profesora de Filosofía del Derecho y de Lógica y Argumentación Jurídica en la carrera de Abogacía (UCA). Alumni 2019 en Oxford Program “Young Scholars Fellowships on Religion and the Rule of Law”, Christ Church, Oxford University & ICLRS. Visiting Fellow 2019-2020 en ICLRS. Miembro del International Consortium for Law and Religion Studies (ICLARS). Miembro del Proyecto de investigación “Derecho y Religión”, acreditado en el Programa IUS de la Facultad de Derecho de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina.


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How to Cite
López Ruf, E. (2023). The Internationalization of Religious Affairs. Revista Política Austral, 2(2), 191-212.
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