Man as He Is and Man as He Should Be: An Exploration of the Current Echoes of the Fallen Nature Debate

  • Joaquín Migliore Universidad Católica Argentina. Universidad Austral
Keywords: anthropological optimism and pessimism, fallen nature, self interest and market, property, Machiavelli, Spinoza, Mandeville, Shaftesbury, Hutcheson, Feuerbach, Finkielkraut, Sandel, Habermas


The question of how to deal with the problem of evil has accompanied politics since its origins. Motivated by some statements by Pope Francis on property rights, the work aims to draw an overview of the debate, as it arises in modernity, regarding whether politics, in the words of Machiavelli, should treat men as they are or just as they should be. In dialogue with theology, the work distinguishes four fundamental positions: that of the "realists" (Machiavelli, Spinoza, Hobbes, Mandeville), that of those who defend that man is a being that can live according to what he should be (Hutcheson, Shaftesbury), that of those who believe that universal brotherhood is the attainable goal due to the development of history (Hegel, Feuerbach, Marx), and that of those who believe that politics must take into account both the dignity and the fallen nature of the human being (Pascal), showing, at the same time, the contemporaneity of this debate.


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Author Biography

Joaquín Migliore, Universidad Católica Argentina. Universidad Austral

Profesor en Filosofía y abogado (UBA). Doctor en Ciencias Jurídicas (UCA). Profesor titular de Filosofía Política Contemporánea en la carrera de Ciencias Políticas (UCA). Profesor titular de Filosofía Moderna y Contemporánea en la carrera de Relaciones Internacionales (Universidad Nacional de Lanús). Profesor en el Doctorado en Ciencias Políticas (UCA) y en el Doctorado en Ciencias Jurídicas (Universidad Austral). Profesor de Maestría ESEADE.


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How to Cite
Migliore, J. (2023). Man as He Is and Man as He Should Be: An Exploration of the Current Echoes of the Fallen Nature Debate. Revista Política Austral, 2(1), 73-95.
Studies, Presentations, and Situational Analyses