Editorial Team
About the Editorial Committee of the Austral Political Journal
The Editorial Committee consists of researchers and faculty from the School of Government, Politics, and International Relations at Austral University, ensuring the scientific rigor of the publication. Their functions include:
* Defining the main publication guidelines and criteria.
* Resolving any conflicts of interest that may arise.
* Implementing an editorial policy regarding content, quality control, and the production process.
* Making the final decision on the publication of articles.
* Organizing the work of authors, reviewers, and section coordinators.
* Supporting the editor's tasks.
* Overseeing commercial management (financing, costs).
The Committee is led by the president and the academic director of the Journal, who are responsible for maintaining the quality of the publication.
Alfonso Santiago (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Luciano Bolinaga (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Executive Director
Juan Ignacio Percoco (Universidad Austral) / Aldo Javier López (Universidad Austral)
Academic Coordinator Editor-in-Chief
Celina Cantú (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Sofia del Carril (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Juan de Dios Cincunegui (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Mariano Palacios (Universidad Austral, Argentina)
About the Advisory Academic Council of the Austral Political Journal
The Council consists of international experts in political science and international relations studies, who help enhance the visibility of the publication and strengthen its networks. Their functions include:
* Assisting, at the request of the academic director or the executive director, in the review of
research submissions.
* Advising the Editorial Committee on matters related to the scientific quality of the publications and the
institutional quality of the journal.
* Contributing to the dissemination and international positioning of the journal within the scientific community.
Dr. Ariel González Levaggi (Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Argentina)
Dr. Andrés Malamud (Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
Dra. Julia Maskivker (Rollins College, United States)
Dr. Eduardo Oviedo (Universidad Nacional de Rosario - CONICET, Argentina)
Dr. Gonzalo Paz (Georgetown University, United States)
Dra. Lisa Rofel (University of California Santa Cruz, United States)
Dra. Gisela Sin (University of Illinois, United States)
Dr. Juan Uriburu Quintana (John Hopkins University, United States)
Dr. Juan Pablo Laporte (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Guadalupe Marzani (Austral University, Argentina)
Emanuel Ojeda (Austral University, Argentina)
Rosario Inurrigarro (Austral University, Argentina)
Lucila Scibona - Freelancer (Watermark, editorial services)
Editing - Proofreading – Layout
Dr. Luciano Bolinaga
Cerrito 1250, C1010AAZ, Buenos Aires City, Argentina
E-mail: RevistaPolitica@austral.edu.ar