Regulating the Use of ICT in Elections: the Contribution of the Council of Europe
Information and communication technology (ICT) solutions are increasingly used to support most processes of the electoral cycle. Their regulation must ensure that constitutional principles, in particular those on free and democratic elections, are upheld. The Council of Europe is the only international organisation to have issued minimum legal standards on the regulation of e-voting and of other ICT used in elections. Standards guide national competent authorities when drafting national regulations.
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Driza Maurer, A., Volkamer, M., & Krimmer, R. (2022). Council of Europe Guidelines on the Use of ICT in Electoral Processes, in Computer Security. ESORICS 2022, International Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 26-30, 2022, Revised Selected Papers. S. Katsikas
Stein, R., & Wenda, G. (Eds.). (2014). Ten Years of Rec(2004)11 – The Council of Europe and E-voting. In: Krimmer, R., & Volkamer, M. (Eds.), EVOTE 2014. Proceedings (pp. 105-110). TUT Press.
Venice Commision. (2004). Principles for a fundamental rights-compliant use of digital technologies in electoral processes. Council of Europe.
Venice Commision. (2004). Report on the compatibility of remote voting and electronic voting with the standards of the Council of Europe. Council of Europe.
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