Mexican Electoral Court of the Federal Judiciary. An institution that protects human rights
This article analyzes the impact of Mexican Electoral Court of the Federal Judiciary (hereinafter Electoral Court) as a protector of political-electoral rights and promoter of substantive democracy. Since its creation, this Court has been a guarantor of human rights, evolving from a guarantee-approach to a principlism-approach, which has allowed it to maximize the protection of these rights and include vulnerable groups in the country's political participation. The content of this article is developed in five main axis: 1) the nature of political-electoral rights, 2) the historical and structural evolution of the Electoral Court, 3) its progressive jurisprudential lines, 4) the permanent electoral education that it has been providing and 5) the commitment of this institution with an open and transformative justice.
After going through the work of this Court and reviewing some of its most important decisions, it is concluded that this institution has been fundamental for the democratic stability through adapting its work to the social needs and guaranteeing equality and non-discrimination of vulnerable groups to move towards a substantive and inclusive democracy.
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