Electoral Accessibility: Active Suffrage with a Human Rights Perspective
In 2023, the Argentine Republic commemorated forty uninterrupted years of democracy, however, it seems that some citizens still remain invisible or, worse still, visible, but insignificant, when it comes to adopting public policies and dispensing justice.
This work is an invitation to reflection and aims to challenge legal professionals so that, regardless of the role they occupy in society, they have tools to critically analyze reality and thus be able to transform it.
Highlighting the importance of the electoral right in a democratic society and considering diversity as an intrinsic characteristic of humanity, we will analyze, from the perspective of human rights, the importance of electoral accessibility in the right to active suffrage based on unrestricted respect for dignity of the people.
The need for lawyers to reflect on the implications of our actions is not something new. But being a lawyer is a privilege and an honor, therefore, I hope that the next pages humbly contribute to the men and women of law making a change, more than legal, from the heart.
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Pérez Corti, J. M. (2016). Derecho Electoral Argentino. Nociones (3ª ed.). Advocatus.
Picado, S. (2023). Derechos políticos como derechos humanos. En Zovatto, D., Nohlen, D. y Valdés, L. (Comps.), Derecho Electoral latinoamericano. Un enfoque comparativo (pp. 55-65). Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Seda, J. A. (2022). Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (1ª ed.). Astrea.
Copyright (c) 2024 Jimena de Allende
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