The Protection of the Voter’s Genuine Will in the Ballot Preparation. The Lists of Voters in the Elections of the Province of Rio Negro in 2023

  • Verónica Belloso Poder Judicial de Río Negro
Keywords: suffrage, union of ballots, collector lists, voter’s genuine will


The legal and jurisprudential protection of the voter’s genuine will expressed at the polls at the national and provincial levels is an essential principle of the representative system of government. In this framework, the preparation of the electoral offer of the political groups that decide to formulate agreements to nominate the same candidates and/or unite sections of different categories of different political parties and alliances to prepare a single ballot that is presented to the electorate puts the partisan interest in tension with the purpose of the law.

In this sense, the object of this work is to analyze the legal provision that authorizes the unions of ballots and collector lists in the province of Rio Negro, in order to reflect on the need to guarantee that the individual vote is cast without confusion, with discernment and freedom.


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Author Biography

Verónica Belloso, Poder Judicial de Río Negro

Abogada y Escribana (Universidad Nacional de La Plata). Diplomada en Derecho Electoral y Derecho Electoral Profundizado (Universidad Austral). Especialista en Abogacía del Estado (Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación) y Secretaria electoral de la Provincia de Río Negro.


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Jurisprudencia citada

Antecedentes jurisprudenciales citados (Sentencias 65/03/TEP en autos “Partido Justicialista s/Oficialización de lista de candidatos” y 59/03/TEP, en “Partido Provincial Rionegrino s/Oficialización de listas de candidatos) que se encuentran archivados en la Secretaría Electoral del Juzgado Electoral de la Provincia de Río Negro.

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How to Cite
Belloso, V. (2024). The Protection of the Voter’s Genuine Will in the Ballot Preparation. The Lists of Voters in the Elections of the Province of Rio Negro in 2023. Cuadernos De Derecho Electoral, (2), 123-145. Retrieved from
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