Electoral Training, a Three-Dimensional Approach: Strengthening Embs, Enhancing the Quality of Electoral Processes, and Combating Disinformation

Keywords: electoral training, electoral management bodies (EMBs), disinformation, electoral integrity, training methods


The document addresses electoral training as a crucial element for strengthening democracy, focusing on three main dimensions: the strengthening of Electoral Management Bodies (EMBs), the improvement of the quality of electoral processes, and the fight against disinformation.

The importance of a holistic approach to training is highlighted, which goes beyond technical training and encompasses ethical aspects, communication skills, and critical thinking. The text emphasizes the need to adapt training to different groups, including electoral officials, political organizations, observers, security forces, media, and the general public.

Two methods for electoral training are presented: the case method and the future scenarios method. The former uses real or simulated situations to develop practical skills, while the latter focuses on preparing officials for potential future challenges.

The document also addresses the importance of training as a tool against disinformation, highlighting the need to develop media and digital literacy skills. Finally, recommendations are offered for implementing effective and adaptive training programs in the electoral context.


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Author Biographies

Paola Costabella, Universidad Nacional de San Martín

Lic. en Producción de Bio-imágenes (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). Máster en Estudios Políticos Aplicados de FIAPP-España (Cum Laude). Posgrado Derechos Políticos y Electorales (Facultad de Derecho, Universidad de Buenos Aires). Diplomados en Procesos Electorales en las Américas (FLACSO Chile) y en Gestión de Conflictos (Politécnico Colombia). Consultora electoral internacional, especialista en procesos y capacitación electoral. Docente de posgrado UNSAM.

Alejandro Tullio, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Universidad de Buenos Aires

Abogado (Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora). Máster en Derecho Electoral (Universidad de Castilla - La Mancha). Miembro de la Red Mundial de Justicia Electoral y del Observatorio de Reformas Políticas en América Latina. Profesor de Derecho Electoral (UNSAM/UBA). Experto en administración electoral. Director nacional electoral de Argentina (2001-2016).


Costabella, P. y Tullio, A. (2021). Gobernanza Electoral: Actores y Competencias. La capacitación y la información electoral como garantía de calidad de los procesos electorales. En Contreras, C. y Pérez, A. (Comps.), Reformas electorales y democracia (pp. 315-344). Prometeo.

How to Cite
Costabella, P., & Tullio, A. (2024). Electoral Training, a Three-Dimensional Approach: Strengthening Embs, Enhancing the Quality of Electoral Processes, and Combating Disinformation. Cuadernos De Derecho Electoral, (2), 11-34. Retrieved from https://ojs.austral.edu.ar/index.php/cde/article/view/1627
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