Constitutional Considerations for the Invalidity of Elections in the Mexican Legal System

Keywords: nullity, constitutional principles, Church-State separation


The Mexican electoral system provides, set for nullity of the electoral results, the violation of constitutional principles; because these must remain intangible, and any violation in its essence, affects the primacy of the constitutional order, and consequently the validity of the elections. Nullity in the abstract sense, entails a challenge to the constitutional judge, since he must assess whether the violation itself produces the invalidity of the electoral process, or it must be value how decisive the controversial acts were, in the decision of the electorate. by casting the vote.


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Author Biography

Marcos del Rosario Rodríguez, ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara

Doctor en Derecho por la Universidad Panamericana, Ciudad de México. Investigador del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores. Decano de la Escuela de Derecho del ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara.


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How to Cite
del Rosario Rodríguez, M. (2023). Constitutional Considerations for the Invalidity of Elections in the Mexican Legal System. Cuadernos De Derecho Electoral, (1), 137-150. Retrieved from
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