The Election of the Executive Branch and the Administration and Control of the Electoral Processes in the Province of Tucumán Over the Years
The provinces have adopted different electoral models for executive and legislative positions and for their administration and control. In particular, in this work we are going to refer to two topics: the election of the position of governor, with the names that it had throughout the history of Tucumán, and the models of administration and control of provincial elections. The first, referring to the constitutional norms in the successive reforms referring to the form, time and authorities for the coverage of elective positions, specifically in this article, to the Provincial Executive Branch. The second, on the bodies that by constitutional or legal provision were created or designated to exercise control and administration of the electoral process.
The mechanisms for electing them have been substantially modified from the beginning of the provincial organization to the present day. The electoral regulations were contained in each of the eight constitutions that governed the province, of which the 1907 constitution was the one that lasted the longest: 77 years (1907-1949 and 1955-1990), interrupted by the reform from 1949-1955.
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