The Right to Vote for People with Cognitive Disabilities. Some Reflections on the Case of "Caamaño Valle vs. Spain" in the European Court of Human Rights
This paper analyzes the evolution of electoral capacity and access to active suffrage of people with cognitive disabilities in light of the case of the European Court of Human Rights Caamaño Valle vs. Kingdom of Spain, as well as the different regulations on the matter. The president of the European Court proposes a totally disruptive position that will lead the reader to rid himself of preconceptions in search of an answer to the case raised.
Cognitive disability as such is not a homogeneous category, so there is no one single possible solution from a regulatory point of view. We warn and think on the different regulations in relation to this topic that mean above all a position on the nature of the right to vote.
The main point is to preserve the legitimacy of the electoral processes while the working question is whether the voter can exercise their right to vote if they have a severe cognitive impairment.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Carlos Safadi Márquez, J. M. Soledad Vazquez, Amparo Garganta, M. Pura Herrero Ducloux
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